How to copy DALI configurations to a profile when using multi DALI-addressing
1. How to copy DALI-configurations to a profile when using multi DALI-addressing
1.1 Introduction
This guide describes how to copy DALI-addressing configurations to a profile when using multi DALI-addressing to a profile.
NOTE: In this guide we assume that / the starting point is that there is at least one single device within the organization that already has the right DALI configurations, in the sense of the address-mapping to “name“ & “fixture“. The “name“ and “fixture“ attributes are also important to be set correctly on devices which should share their same configurations. If that is not yet the case, then please take care of that before you continue.
1.2 Steps to copy
Step 1: Take care of the dali-addressing, and make sure the names & fixtures and channel functions match the correct addresses. You can also already set the right dim-schedules, operating modes and light-behavior, but that can also be done later.
Step 2: Go to the “Settings“-tab of the controller, make sure your device is attached to a profile, and click the “Copy DALI address configurations“ link, and confirm the action.
Step 3: Click the profile name (or navigate to the correct profile in the navigation-menu), and observe the configurations appear as “tabs“ on the profile page.
Based on the “Name“ and (optional) “Fixture“ fields, additional devices can be created, and assigned to the same profile.
The DALI-address configurations can now be controlled via the “Profile“- section in CM, and it will be automatically broadcasted to all attached devices (overriding individual settings on a single device is still supported).